8.Cushion Pine at Aoyama

The Cushion Pine were the famous trees at the precinct of Ryuganji in Harajuku Village, which had the 5.6 meters wide. And other smoler pine trees were planted in a circle so as to surround it.
Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) depicted the hill of pine trees as a semicircle shape and Mt. Fuji as a triangle.
Hokusai, in fact, should not have seen Mt. Fuji so big, He dared to aim for an interesting contrasting composition.
At the lower right, the men hold the party with the great view of Mt. Fuji and the pine trees, and a father leads the child by the washcloth.
And at the other side, someone sweeps the fallen pine needle. Can you find him?
Reprint of Cushion Pine at Aoyama
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