Matsuo Basho's Winter haiku poems

The winter haiku which made by Matsuo Basho (1644-1694) are clearly expressed his own viewpoints comparing to other seasons. Between October and December was winter as the old calender.
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Sample (Old Pond haiku poem)
人々を しぐれよ宿は 寒くとも
Hitobito wo/ Shigureyo yado wa/ Samuku tomo
On the people,
I hope drizzling winter rain,
Even the house is cold.
初雪や 聖小僧が 笈の色
Hatsu-yuki ya/ Hijiri-kozo ga/ Oi no iro
The first snow
That the young Hijiri-monk has
The color of the wooden box.
oi(笈): People used as the traveling bag. The men(the second and forth from the right) have the oi in the following ukiyo-e.
雪と雪 今宵師走の 名月か
Yki to yuki/ Koyoi shiwasu no/ Meigetsu ya
The snow and snow.
This evenining would have
The great moon of December .
こがらしや 頬腫痛む 人の顔
Kogarashi ya/ Hoobare itamu/ Hito no kao
The cold wintry wind.
The throbbing pains of the swelling cheek.
People’s face.
せつかれて 年忘れする 機嫌かな
Setsukarete/ Toshi-wasure suru/ Kigen kana
For Badgered,
I give the year-end party
In a good mood.
いざ行かむ 雪見にころぶ 所まで
Iza yukan/ Yukimi ni korobu/ Tokoro made
Let’s go out
To see the snow view
Where we slip and fall.
埋火や 壁には客の 影法師
Uzumi-bi ya/ Kabe niha kyaku no/ Kageboushi
The banked fire.
The shadow of the guest
Is on the wall.
馬方は 知らじ時雨の 大井川
Umakata ha/ Shirazi shigure no/ Ooi-gawa
The packhorse driver
Wouldn’t know the drizzling winter rain
At Ooi River.
薬飲む さらでも霜の 枕かな
Kusuri nomu/ Sarademo shimo no/ Makura kana
I drink the medicine,
Otherwise lie down
With the pillow on the frost.
市人よ 此笠うらふ 雪の傘
Ichi-bito yo/ Kono kasa urou/ Uilo no kasa
Hey townspeople,
I’ll sell you my woven hat,
The snow umbllera.
水仙や 白き障子の とも移り
Suisen ya/ Shiroki shoji no/ Tomo-utsuri
The narcissus
With the white a shoji screen
Shines together.
煤掃は 己が棚つる 大工かな
Susuhaki ha/ Onoga tana tsuru/ Daiku kana
At the Susuhaki,
Putting up his shelf
The carpenter.
Susuhaki: The cleaning and sweeping the dust and soot at a year-end in old Japanese days.
初雪や いつ大仏の 柱立
Hatsu-yuki ya/ Itsu daibutsuno/ Hashira-date
The first snow,
When is the pillar set up
For the Great Buddha?
the Great Buddha: The hall of the Great Buddha in Todaiji had been destroyed by the war fire since 1567. So the buddha statue was exposed to the weather.
箱根こす 人も有らし 今朝の雪
Hakone kosu/ Hito mo arurashi/ Kesa no yuki
Some people
Would cross the Hakone Pass
Even though the moning snow.
More Basho’s haiku poems
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