Sugita Hisajo’s haiku poems

Suzuki Hisajo's haiku poems

Suzuki Hisajo (1890- 1952) was a pioneer of female haiku poets who represent Japan. Takahama Koshi, who operated the haiku magazine Hototogisu (little cuckoo, named after Masaoka Shiki) and was a talented man of the haiku at the time, highly regarded her as “standing in a special position that did not allow the imitation of men”.  She made a mark for herself on the magazine. But in later years, she was given the cold shoulder and couldn’t publish her works. The master wrote the epitaph of her tombstone.

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Hototogisu, the longest haiku magazine and its school

[Japanese]春暁の  夢のあと追ふ  長まつげ

Shungyo no/Yume no at ou/Naga matsuge

At spring dawn
Following the dream
Long eyelashes
麦の芽に  日こぼす雲や  春寒し
Mugi no me ni/Hi kobosu kumo ya/Haru samu shi
On wheat sprout
Clouds spill sunlight
It’s cold in spring
小鏡に  うつし拭く墨  宵の春 
Kokagami ni/Utsushi fuku sumi/Yoi no haru
In a mirror
Reflecting and wiping black ink
Spring of the night
ゆく春の  流れに沿うて  歩みけり
Yuku haru no/Nagare ni sou te/Ayumi keri
Along the stream
Of the fading spring
I walked
東風吹くや  耳現はるる  うなゐ髪
Kochi fuku ya/Mimi arawaru ru/Unai kami
The spring wind blows
The ears appear
From a child’s hair

縫ふ肩を  ゆすりてすねる子  暑さかな

Nu’u kata wo/Yusuri te suneru ko/Atsusa kana


While I’m sewing

My son shakes my shoulders and is in bad mood

It is hot




洗ひ髪  かはく間月の  籘椅子に

Arai gami/Kawaku ma tsuki no/tou isu ni


While my washed hair

Is getting dried

On a cane chair and the moon




照り降りに  さして色なし  古日傘

Teri furi ni/Sashi te iro nashi/Furu higasa


For sunshine and rain

I put up the old umbrella

Lost its color




打水に  木蔭湿れる  売店かな

Uchimizu ni/Kokage simere ru/Baiten kana


With sprinkling of water

The shade of a tree gets wet

At a shop




月の輪を  ゆり去る船や  夜半の夏

Tsuki no wa wo/Yuri saru fune ya/Yowa no natsu


The boat shook the ring

Of the moon and left

The summer midnight


障子しめて  灯す湯殿や  秋涼し

Shoji shime te/Tomosu yudono ya/Aki suzushi


I closed the shōji doors

And lit a fire in the bathroom

It is cool autumn




秋来ぬと  サフアイア色の  小鰺買ふ

Aki konu to/Safaia iro no/Koaji kau


Autumn hasn’t come

I buy sapphire colored

Small horse mackerel




しろじろと  花びらそりぬ  月の菊

Shiro jiro to/Hanabira sori nu/Tsuki no kiku


It is whitened

That the petals bend backward

Moon with the chrysanthemum 




Asa zamu ya/Chii saku nari yuku/Tsuru no hana


Morning chill

The flowers of vines

Become smaller




秋空に  つぶてのごとき  一羽かな

Akizora ni/Tsubute no gotoki/Ichi wa kana


In the autumn sky

Like a stone

There is a bird


戯曲よむ  冬夜の食器  浸けしまま

Gesaku yomu/Fuyu yo no shokki/Tsukeshi mama


I read a drama

The tableware at the winter night

Is left in the water





更けて去る  人に月よし  北の風

The good moon for one 

Who left late at night

The north wind





ゆく年の  忙しき中に  もの思ひ

Yuku toshi no/Isogaski ki naka ni/Mono omo i


At the end of  the year

In a busy time

I was lost in thought





わが歩む  落葉の音の  あるばかり

Waga ayumu/Ochiba no oto no/Aru bakari


My walk

There is only the sound

Of the fallen leaves





冬川や  のぼり初めたる  夕芥


Above the winter river

The evening dust

Goes up 

Other famous Japanese poets’ haiku